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¿What we do at CISA?

We buy, sell and manage all types of properties and portfolio.

We are the only public collector of the State and our business focuses primarily on:

  1. 1. Marketing of warehouses, lots, houses, apartments, business spaces, farms, among others.
  2. 2. Acquisition and management of real property.
  3. 3. Purchase and management of portfolios.

CISA - CENTRAL DE INVERSIONES S.A. is a national, unique, mixed economy corporation attached to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, subject to the private law regime with respect to all acts and contracts entered into by CISA. The purpose of the Corporation is to manage, acquire, market, charge, collect, exchange, transfer, alienate and lease, for any reason, all kinds of real estate, personal property, shares, securities, litigation, credit, trust or contractual rights, including rights in liquidation proceedings, whose owners are public entities of any nature whatsoever, autonomous and independent bodies as provided for in the political Constitution and the law, or corporations with special regime State contributions, and stand-alone trust funds holders of assets of any of the above entities, as well as to provide technical and professional advice to those entities in the assessment and/or valuation of their assets and issues relating to the corporate purpose.

CISA is the only public collector of the
Colombian State.
CISA is the only public collector of the Colombian State.

Mission and Vision

Mission Statement:

To maximize, as information collector, the economic and social return of the assets of the State by acquiring, managing and trading them, in addition to consolidate the information of the public assets optimizing its mobilization.

Vision Statement:

To be the strategic ally of the State entities to maximize the productiveness of its assets, through the efficient management of the current and outstanding portfolio, and the best mobilization option for the real estate assets, ensuring the satisfaction of its clients and its people.

© Derechos Reservados 2020

Última Actualización. miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2025   Usted es nuestro visitante No. 6115172